* 操控世界的邪惡組織








                            1. 撒但路西弗


                            2. 新世界秩序


                            3. 光明會 & 共濟會


                                   4. 錫安長老會


                            5. 邪惡組織操控世界


                            6. 影片


                                          7. 其它連結

主題: * 邪惡背後的主腦

日期: 2014-05-03

發表者是: Samuel

主旨: 為真道竭力爭辯

  \  .. 異端!..
  √ ﹀~ 當心勿受迷惑,請趕快抵擋應戰喔... 毋恃敵(魔鬼、假先知謬論)之不來,恃吾有(元帥耶穌基督、聖經真道)以待之...→請參閱



日期: 2014-04-26

發表者是: 鄭旭晃

主旨: 請幫忙轉寄出去或告知他人!

100年過年時(大年初一),一星期至警政署門口旁拿塊看板陳情~不肖警務腦部監控竊盜(腦控、洗腦)集團惡行,一部進入警署車輛看見停下來大聲詢問:是誰? 門口有人員大聲回答:是保防組他們專門在惡整人! 車內人:..... 門口人員回答:我知道,上面有交代下來! 他們繼續對談..... ;從警政署門口聽到此資訊!不止警政署,全國警察全都知道是保防組!

日期: 2013-08-20

發表者是: 網主

主旨: Overview on the Illuminat i光明概述

To understand Illuminati cult programming, it is necessary first to understand something about the structure and philosophy of the organization.

The Illuminati are a group of people who follow the philosophy known as "Illuminism" or "enlightenment."

The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but trace their roots and history are the ancient mysteries and religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon, and even Mesopotamia.

From these ancient religions, which are practiced in secret for hundreds and hundreds of years, resulting esoteric groups which continued the practice of rituals, traditions, and enculturation brought in from the original group.

Illuminism if modern-day is philosophy is funded by the wealthy people, but practiced in all social strata. It is a philosophy whose principles were spread throughout the world. It began with the German branch of Rosicrucians, spread to England and then came to the United States with the first settlers.

