
誰控制光明會? WHO CONTROLs the ILLUMINATI - The Highest Seat in the WORLD

腦控的幕後黑手是光明會,那麼,誰在背後控制光明會? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIQOrQyAgzg#t=84   This video may explain to you who the Illuminati are. Is your religion controlled by the Illuminati? Is there a way to know? Are there some organizations that are free of the Illuminati control? If you found out...

CONSPIRACY 1943 Movie Exposes Illuminati Secrets.. Director and Producer Killed Over it!

https://topinfopost.com/2013/11/22/1943-movie-exposes-illuminati This 1943 movie “Occult Forces” exposes the secret Illuminati long before any other movie that I know of. The film’s writer was imprisoned and the films producer and the director were executed! Lots of secrets of the satanic...

光明會:娛樂圈的秘密滲透 (影片﹕粵語)


全視之眼--魔鬼之眼 (影片s)

(一) 光明會全視之眼 (圖/音樂)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MPZtVwCIeE   (二) What is the all seeing eye? (英文版介紹)

共濟會和光明會 (影片)

Freemasonry and Illuminati: The best video I've got. You will learn much  沒有旁白,但可以從音樂和圖示中去意會,音樂很好。    

共濟會介紹 (影片)

(一) 神秘組織共濟會被指統治全世界 (國語)   (二) 

國父孫中山與共濟會的關係 (影片A+圖片)

短片﹕ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29F1uRD-9aw                                

天主教與新世界秩序 (影片)

                 5mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLp9xigjajM               4HRS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aD8TU3VC-Q

主題: 影片 & 圖片

