註:這是澳洲留學生受害者Soleilmavis翻譯的Moss David Posner博士的文章,駁斥了“受害者拿不出受大腦控制武器攻擊的證據”的言論。
Moss David Posner, M.D. is a physician currently in practice in the California Department of Corrections. He is prolific as well as versatile, and writes on a number of subjects, including philosophy, religion, and the state of medical care in the California Department of Corrections. Dr. Posner has published articles in a variety of publications, including a Journal of Transcription and the Department of the Navy. He lives in Fresno with his son Aaron, a budding Mechanical Engineer
Moss David Posner 是一位醫學博士,目前在加利福尼亞州管教部工作。他多產又多才多藝,並且寫下了很多作品,包括哲學、宗教和在加利福尼亞州管教部的醫療衛生狀況。Posner博士曾在各種刊物發表文章,包括轉錄期刊和海軍部門。他帶著他的兒子阿倫,一個新的機械工程師,住在弗雷斯諾。
How to control Americans--thought control, mind control, disinformation and other naughty things

Moss David Posner M.D.
January 8, 2007
“The science of mind control has achieved the scale of a criminal subculture, and left a wide path of chaos and confusion that crosses all international boundaries. The carnage takes place under the noses of the public, obscured by cover stories and dead witnesses and the incredible of most news reporters." (Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A., 1995, Portland, OR, Feral House p.xl)
“大腦控制科學已經到了大規模培養犯罪的地步,留下了跨越國界的混亂和糾紛。殘殺就在市民當中,湮沒在秘密故事,死亡證人和大多數記者的難以置信。”(Alex Constantine,美國的心靈學權威,1995)
“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which HaShem G-d had made.” (Genesis 3:1)
I had referred to the outlines of what happens in a controlled world in a previous article.
In my first article on this subject, I gave an overview and some of the salient documents on this subject. The available proof is vast. The problem lies in the conventional understanding of what constitutes “proof.”
Typically, those who wish to denigrate and to humiliate those who claim proof is available of extensive mind control activity in the US and in other areas of the world, attack the notion of “proof;” and because most of us have only a vague idea of what proof consists, I want to discuss some basic notions so that you will be better equipped to think about the subject in general and those detractors in particular. For those of you who are familiar with formal and material logic, I apologize in advance for simplifying.
A “proof” or an “evidence” of the truth of a statement is a specific instance of the thing being alleged. Thus the proof, for example, could be eyewitness testimony to some event. This is a good example, for even eyewitness testimony can be mistaken. So the more evidence for the existence or the claim of something, the stronger the case can be made for that claim. Generally speaking, the more witnesses that corroborate an event in its essentials, the more sure the proof is considered to be.
Please note, however, that human beings are not infallible, so the fact that people can make mistakes is not prima facie evidence that they have made a mistake. Besides, who trusts someone who has never made mistakes?
然而,請註意,人類是不可能不犯錯, 因此,人們都會犯錯誤的事實不是他們已經犯了一個錯誤的初步證據的證明。此外,誰會相信某人從來沒有犯過錯誤?
The most common examples we have of proof and of degrees of confidence can be seen in the different standards for “proof” in a court of law: For lesser offenses, “the preponderance of the evidence” may suffice. At the other extreme, as in capital cases, a conclusion “proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and to a certainty” is required. Seen from this perspective, “proof” can be seen to be like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. The more pieces, correctly placed, the clearer and therefore the more convincing is the picture.
Life, however, does not accord us the luxury of such certainty, nor is it even necessary—in fact, such a demand can be downright ridiculous. Supposed you expected your son or daughter to be home by a certain time, and they do not appear. Do you shrug off your concerns because, strictly speaking, you don’t have “proof” of trouble? We intuitively know these things; but what is it actually that we know?
We know that something could happen, something dreadful; and that is sufficient enough a reason for us to be alarmed and then to act upon that alarm. But wait a moment. Aren’t we “assuming the worst?” And haven’t we all been admonished about making assumptions, or aren’t we jumping to conclusions? Indeed we are; and we had better jump. Were we were to walk, it may prove to be too late by the time we arrive at our conclusion so as to confirm or reject it.
The difference lies in the concept of purpose.. When we are dealing with matters of urgency and of survival, we do not have the luxury of such proof. If our purpose is our survival or that of our loved ones, we are obligated to make whatever assumptions we may know that might threaten our survival, and then proceed to search for proof to back these assumptions. If we do not find the proof, all well and good; however, it has hardly been a waste of time to do so.
If you cannot locate your toddler child, and you have a pool on your property, where is the first place you are going to rush to look? If it is inordinately quiet in the children’s room, don’t you dash in to reassure yourself everything is okay?
One of the reasons we do not or cannot make assumptions is that we do not have any prior experiences to forewarn us. It is for this reason we must educate ourselves to history and its lessons. It may seem far-fetched to us that history can be so vital to our survival today; but a good understanding of history will prove to us exactly the opposite.
One—if not the greatest—tragedy of today’s “educational system” is that young people have no sense of history. And as George Santayana so poignantly put it, “those who do not learn the lessons of history will have the misfortune of reliving them.” In the context of control of populations and of the deceptions used to accomplish this end, the best article to define this issue that I have seen to date is:Fake Terror—the Road to War and Dictatorship
其中之一--如果不是今天的"教育系統"的巨大悲劇是年輕人都沒有歷史感。並且如同George Santayana深刻指出“那些不接受歷史的教訓的人,會重溫它們的不幸”。在這方面控制人口和偽裝來達到這個目的,關於這個問題,我所看過的最好的文章是:假恐怖—戰爭和獨裁之路。
To complicate matters further, much of what is happening to us, to our country, is kept hidden from us, so that it is difficult to garner suspicion, and it is easy for the Powers That Be to dismiss our concerns. Without knowledge of the technology that is actually in existence today in the Intelligence community and the military it is very difficult to conceive of what is actually happening.
I can tell you for an absolute fact that the technology exists today to scan your thoughts and actually to introduce, by the use of specific frequencies, certain ideas and emotions without the recipients being aware. Please do not take my word for this but do a search for “mind control” and comparable technologies, and you will not believe your eyes.
This has been formalized in a very chillingly objective fashion by the NSA, which has routine procedures for implanting such ideas—even without the exotic mind control technology that I mentioned earlier. NSA’s Subliminal Posthypnotic Scripts outlines exactly how this is done.
Here’s a chilling verbatim quote from the NSA training manual:
“7.Stage 3 (Extreme Process): _1.This method is very severe and usually results in a two to five year program._Because of the severity of the suffering, the subject is usually permanently_impaired for integration into normal mainstream life and is essentially_institutionalized” (”The NSA and Mind Control—Part 3.”
“7 第3部:這種方法很嚴重,通常導致2-5年的結果。因為遭受痛苦的殘酷性,目標將會被永久破壞正常的生活,並且必然會被送進專門機構(指瘋人院等)”(《NSA和大腦控制--第3部分》)
There are numerous technologies available. Two of the most intrusive are: HRIC and EDOM:
還有眾多的技術資料,其中最具侵略性的兩個是:HRIC 和 EDOM
HRIC stands for “Hypnotic Radio Intra-cerebral Control” and accomplishes just that. You can find a detailed description of the technology in: Project Open Mind Part 2.
RHIC 是指,無線催眠大腦控制 “Radio Hypnotic Intra-cerebral Control"實現的就是這一點。你可以找到該技術詳細說明:《開放大腦項目第2部分》。 EDOM 意思是,電子消除記憶 “Electronic Dissolution of Memory"。
The Psychologist, Martin Cannon, wrote a seminal work on the subject of governmental mind control passed off as “alien abductions,” and presents a very plausible hypothesis for explaining them without reference to aliens, in The Controllers—a New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions.
心理學家Martin Cannon,針對冒充“外星人綁架”,並且提出了巧言假說,在不提起外星人的情況下向他們解釋的政府大腦控制課題,寫了一篇開創性的文章。《控制者--一種新的外星綁架的假說》
If you need a hard-nosed investigative reporter to show you the depth and magnitude of governmental activity over many years, I recommend Sherman Skolnick’s page: Sherman Skolnick Reports. This man single-handedly brought down the corrupt Illinois judicial system. Tragically, Sherman passed away in May of last year.
如果您需要一位強硬的好研究的記者,向您展示多年來政府活動的深度和廣度,我推薦Sherman Skolnick《Sherman Skolnick 報告》。這名男子赤手空拳打倒腐敗的伊利諾伊州的司法系統,不幸的是,謝爾曼逝世於去年五月。
Finally, the field of scalar physics gives us another vista of a Soviet threat, not hitherto imagined. Here is video that is guaranteed to alleviate any residual tranquility you may possess regarding the future.
最後,《scalar physics》領域給了我們蘇聯威脅的迄今還沒有想到的另一前景,這裏的視頻,足以讓您對未來不再輕松。
In summary, with history showing the precedents, and with a glimpse of current technology, it is incumbent upon us all to “assume” the worst and to seek out the evidence or it so that we can—and our children can—do something about our future and that of generations —hopefully —to follow.
“Ha-shem” literally “The Name” in Hebrew. Observant Jews regard even the word “G-d” to be so sacred that it cannot be uttered; and the word “Ha Shem” is used in its place.
在希伯來文, Ha-shem字面上指“名字”,遵守規定的猶太人甚至把"g-d"看作是神聖的,不可以說出來。所以用Ha Shem一詞來替代。
I can think of no better place to start to learn than H.W.B. Joseph’s “Introduction to Logic,” published by Oxford University Press originally.
沒有比牛津大學出版社出版的H.W.B. Joseph“介紹邏輯”更適合初學者。
The power of these technologies, taken together, is beyond reasonable doubt.