



《診斷與統計手冊:精神病學最要命的騙局》 一場巧妙的偽科學騙局⋯⋯ 影片 https://www.cchr.tw/videos/diagnostic-statistical-manual.html 這


精神科毒害的秘辛 https://www.inmediahk.net/node/1007150 精神病上位之路 精神病醫生從前只處於醫學界的邊緣,不受內科


精神病與憂鬱症都是腦部的疾病 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 轉載文章


沒有心理疾病的遺傳基因證據 https://www.cchr.tw/quick-facts/no-genetic-proof-of-mental-illnesses.html


販賣疾病 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文版﹕ 1. https://w


靠投票產生的精神科失調症 https://www.cchr.tw/quick-facts/disorders-voted-into-existence.html  ...


沒有針對心理疾病的腦部掃瞄   https://www.cchr.tw/quick-facts/no-brain-scans-for-mental-illness.ht


https://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/wildoneava/post/1311404832   作者:...

CCHR: 精神科的替代方法

CCHR﹕精神科的替代方法   請先參考以下連結﹕   https://www.cchr.tw/alternatives/right-to-be-


精神科承認治不好 https://www.cchr.tw/quick-facts/psychiatry-admits-it-has-no-cures.html   「我們不知道精

主題: 精神科「真相」

日期: 2016-09-11

發表者是: 蔡福正

主旨: 幻聽

單位。中華民國。國師。 職位。中校?
蔡子盛?陳長文? 律師?
這裡提供該單位七年前2隻電話。0277153336. 0938361932.
被干擾 控制。不知情的。會以為身體狀
(14)一想到重點。就馬上弄亂你是思緒。有時腦中 連思考。動都不能動。

臺北市政府附設臺北市私立市政大樓員工子女幼兒園位於市府大樓南區2樓,所有幼兒一律由家長自行接送。由於與家長距離很近。 ( 以上可能是犯案地點)
開車 騎車時 他們嬉戲玩樂 視百姓生死而不顧。
凌晨12,00。 02 00。04 00。06 00 24小時交班輪替。
聞聽 很多演藝人員與官員身受其害 聽這單位對(馬總統夫人)出言不遜。還加語助詞 形容詞 是否馬夫人也身受其害。受害者到底多少?到至今 對演藝人員與官員說詞還是有 況且受害人數還增加當中。 請查證。
所述之地點 應該是犯罪之地方。
我所知道的。該單位稱 未百分之30。
靜下思考後 這裡只是我發現的 況且受害者無數。還有眾多女性朋友。
以上所述 全屬眼見。聽見。事實 。受害民眾無數 請查證。尚有發生在身上的事情還未寫清 。因我必迅速把事實呈現出來。免得受害民眾與毀之女孩清白 越來越多。 到目前 絲毫無悔意。
因目前腦部還受干擾 控制 只能草擬以上所述之事實 請見諒。
時代在進步 他們也在進步。在數年前已經能知道你過往塵事。探知大腦內的思緒。
如有錯誤 願負責司法責任
麻煩轉交媒體或相關單位。 謝謝。

日期: 2015-06-11

發表者是: Soong Yoon Fong

主旨: NASA


日期: 2014-08-20

發表者是: Yun Zeng

主旨: The "Chinese doctor"

Dear Yun:
Thank you for your e-mail about the difficulties you are having with a federal agency…
Senator Dianne Feinstein
January 15, 2010, in compliance with the report, I did a criminal act to the witness inside Men’s Central Jail (MCJ), need to arrest me immediately at Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LAPD) then escort me to Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). But the urgent issue didn’t report to MCJ Watching Commander, LASD Intake Unite, or LAPD, immediately. Because of MCJ’s the camera record on January 15, 2010, can show up the witness did a perjury on me.

January 19, 2010, the report designer confirmed that no prison riot took place in MCJ at January 15, 2010; so, MCJ’s the camera record at January 15, 2010 was eliminated already on the day January 19, 2010; the report sent to LASD Medical Services Bureau (MSB) Commander captain Mike Kwan on the day pm 4:00.

February 2011, lieutenant Wilson asked me: “Why LAPD” when he knew the report. June 2011, supervisor Johnson asked me “Why LAPD?” when he knew the report. Until August 2012, when I used my computers to analyze Yang’s bizarre behaviors, while the cyber attack came from PRC to protect Yang, led me knew that “Why LAPD?”

There are many doctors work in LASD not LAPD. If I was arrested at January 19, 2010, “Chinese doctor” Yang has not a reason to meet me in LASD but LAPD. I was designed to be arrested and to meet Yang at LAPD. I was designed to meet Yang the first time was failure in the front of MSB Commander captain Mike Kuan at January 19, 2010, pm 4:30.

I felt the witness did the perjury on me for Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so I started the research “Why was different to China, India refused Communism” (Referring to “eurekainla 04” from Google). Because of I did the research so I knew the militarists of CCP threatened to use nuclear weapon, economic weapon and biological weapon attack USA was wrong. Because of that, I was designed to meet “Chinese doctor” Yang the second time.

I was ordered to take the psychological appraisal to go to LASD Employee Support Bureau (ESB). March 2011, during the psychological appraisal, I was ordered to go out of LASD to meet a “Chinese doctor” at the address 943 S. Atlantic Blvd., Suite 221, Monterey Park, CA 91754. I went to there found something wrong then I applied a help to LASD Intake Unit.

I was designed to meet “Chinese doctor” Yang the second time at the address 943 S. Atlantic Blvd., Suite 221, Monterey Park, CA 91754. I was designed to meet Yang the second time was failure in the front of LASD leadership of Intake Unit, ESB and MSB.

July 2011, supervisor Johnson told me that I had passed the psychological appraisal.

July 29, 2011, morning, as I learned from Terrorism Early Warming, I typed the reason the witness did his perjury on me worked for CCP in my computer (I didn’t know CCP was spying my computer via Internet, that time.). Because of that, I was forced to stop to work on July 29, 2011, pm 3:00. I was designed to meet Yang the third time.

I didn’t know why LASD Human Resource captain Kevin E. Herbert thought that LASD has not the capacity to do the psychological appraisal to me, thought that LASD did the psychological appraisal on me was failure, and ordered me to see Larry Ball of L.A. County CEO to do the psychological appraisal again on August 8, 2011. I sent the three appeals to Herbert to the issue, but no answer until today August 19, 2014.

August 9, 2011, Ball ordered me to get drug from a “Chinese doctor” within two months. But I can’t get the drug by Ball gave me the “Chinese doctor” named: Wing-Ki Lee. Because of Ball did the issue was out of LASD control, I applied a help to FBI.

October 2011, I was called to LASD Human Resource. I was asked to sign my name on a file in a room with four personals included one lieutenant and two sergeants. I said I need to get my glasses from my car to read the file but I was stopped out of the room until I signed my name on the file. I was ordered to go to the address 943 S. Atlantic Blvd., Suite 221, Monterey Park, CA 91754. I met the “Chinese doctor” Yang at the address.

April 2012, I called Yang to require a copy that he did the medical record on me and I’ll go to take it immediately but he answered me that he needs to ask for his leader, needs to delay two more days. When I had the copy, it showed up the false modality means that:
11-05-2011 to 11-12-2011, 10mg per day, Saphris (cost $0.00), was helpful.
11-12-2011 to 12-03-2011, 10mg per day, Saphris (cost $600.00), was not helpful.
12-03-2011 to 12-30-2011, 20mg per day, Saphris (cost $600.00), was helpful.
12-30-2011 to 01-28-2012, 20mg per day, Saphris (cost $600.00), was not helpful.
01-28-2012 to 02-25-2012, 20mg Saphris (cost $600.00) and 20mg Viibryd (cost $0.00) per day, was helpful.

I tried intake a pill of 5mg Saphris Yang gave to me. It had the power to put my life in danger. I can try to intake the second pill of Saphris, to show up the real modality. I have no intake Viibryd. I can join with the experiment to show up the real modality.

September 1, 2011, FDA alert: Serious allergic reactions reported with the use of Saphris. Yang concealed it to me. Yang knew my heart rate very fast that time so Saphris can cause sudden death to me. He gave me Saphris 20 pills without the Saphris prescription at November 5, 2011, for the first time we met.

Yang knew Viibryd maybe cause suicide. He gave me 28 pills of Viibryd without the Viibryd prescription, at January 28, 2012. Yang knew that if I had intake Viibryd from 01-28-2012 to 02-25-2012 while didn’t commit suicide, stop intake it suddenly may cause suicide to me.

February 25, 2012, Yang gave me the Viibryd prescription for 02-26-2012 to 03-25-2012 but pharmacy employees let me knew: need Yang report he use Viibryd on me to my insurance otherwise my insurance refuse to pay for Viibryd so I can’t get the Viibryd. Yang didn’t report he used Viibryd for me to my insurance until March 13, 2012.

March 20, 2012, I discussed Yang’s bizarre behaviors with two of the people, decided that I stop to meet him. After I stopped to meet Yang, he did his perjury on me to LASD, caused my employee life insurance was canceled since April 2012.

June 2014, when I went to LASD Human Resource required help, an employee who told me that I was retired last year, but why?

October 2011, Rita Dineros (She exposed she’s a Maoist to me in July 2011.) brought a sergeant took away my LASD employee ID card in the fast-food parking lot beside I-10 freeway, means that I was retired? Or means Dineros knew what should happen when I go to meet Yang on November 5, 2011?

October 2011, LASD Human Recourse sergeant Todd Deeds intimated me that Lee Baca designs to me to meet Yang the third time. But I didn’t believe that, so I wrote to Baca.

I required a copy that Yang faxed his perjury on me to LASD Human Resource (include the date and from which Fax number to the Fax of LASD Human Resource) for uncover Yang, since September 2012. But I have no the copy until today August 19, 2014. LASD Human Resource was protecting Yang until August 2014 while Baca has retired the beginning of the year. LASD Human Resource an employee rank higher who taught me “Chinese help Chinese!” by Chinese, for protecting Yang.
I hereby authorize U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein and her staff to make inquiries
and obtain information related to my case currently pending with the above
mentioned federal agency.
